The taqueria Tacos Ruben's in Mexico City, known for its popular suadero tacos, decided to close its doors after 20 years of service in the Escandon neighborhood. The news of the closure was announced through a statement on social media, where the team of the establishment thanked its customers for their support over the course of two decades.
"We leave with sadness, but also with the satisfaction of having served from the heart until the last day," they mentioned in the message. The taqueria was famous for its suadero tacos, as well as offering other dishes like longaniza, tripa, cabeza, lengua, and sesos.
The closure of Tacos Ruben's adds to the concerning list of businesses that have had to cease operations in Mexico City due to security problems and extortions. In their statement, the establishment mentioned that insecurity and the threats they received prevented them from continuing to operate safely.
"Here we saw families grow, celebrated birthdays, heard anecdotes of a lifetime, and were witnesses to the warmth of our community," they expressed, lamenting the difficult decision to close a business that had become a meeting point for the community.
The closure of Tacos Ruben's is yet another reminder of the challenges faced by businesses in Mexico City, but it also highlights the impact that insecurity can have on the everyday lives of its residents.